Advanced usage

Partitioned dynamic tasks

Certain backends, like Redis and Amazon DynamoDB have a natural partitioning to them. Generally, when using dynamic tasks, the task name is used as a partition key. For example, in DynamoDB, each dynamic task instance is associated with one row/document, but they all share the same partition id.

Similarly for Redis, each task instance record is stored in its own key, but the index that sets them in order of next execution is stored in a single key, so a single large task will not benefit from a clustered Redis setup.

If there is a very large number of dynamic task instances associated with a single task or they are polled very frequently, this can lead to hot partitions and degraded performance. There can also be limits as to how many task instances can even be stored in a single partition. For DynamoDB, the limit is 10GB.

Pyncette supports transparent partitioning of tasks through partitioned_task() decorator.

from pyncette import Pyncette, Context

app = Pyncette()

async def hello(context: Context) -> None:
    print(f"Hello {context.args['username']}")

async with app.create() as app_context:
    await asyncio.gather(
        app_context.schedule_task(hello, "bill_task", schedule="0 * * * *", username="bill"),
        app_context.schedule_task(hello, "steve_task", schedule="20 * * * *", username="steve"),
        app_context.schedule_task(hello, "john_task", schedule="40 * * * *", username="john"),

This splits the dynamic task into 32 partitions and the task instances are automatically assigned to them based on the hash of the task instance name.

The default partition selector uses SHA1 hash of the instance name, but a custom selector can be provided:

def custom_partition_selector(partition_count: int, task_id: str) -> int:
    return hash(task_id) % partition_count  # Do not use this, as the hash() is not stable

async def hello(context: Context) -> None:
    print(f"Hello {context.args['username']}")

Choosing the partition count

Care must be taken when selecting a pertition count, as it is not easy to change it later after tasks have already been scheduled. Changing a partition count will generally map task instances to a different partition, making them not run and also making it impossible to unschedule them through unschedule_task().

There is also a tradeoff as the time complexity as a single Pyncette poll grows linearly with the total number of tasks (or their partitions). Setting the number of partitions too high can lead to diminished performance due to the polling overhead.

It is possible to configure Pyncette to only poll certain partitions using the enabled_partitions parameter. This will allow the tasks to be scheduled and unscheduled by any application instance, but only the partitions selected will be polled. You may use this if you have a large number of instances for a given task in order to spread the load evenly among them.

    # Partitions 4, 5, 6 and 7 will not be polled
    enabled_partitions=[0, 1, 2, 3]
async def hello(context: Context) -> None:
    print(f"Hello {context.args['username']}")