Source code for pyncette.healthcheck

import asyncio
import logging
from typing import AsyncIterator
from typing import Awaitable
from typing import Callable
from typing import Optional

from aiohttp import web

from pyncette import pyncette
from pyncette.pyncette import Pyncette
from pyncette.pyncette import PyncetteContext

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]async def default_healthcheck(app_context: PyncetteContext) -> bool: utcnow = pyncette._current_time() last_tick = app_context.last_tick grace_period = app_context._app._poll_interval * 2 return last_tick is not None and (utcnow - last_tick < grace_period)
[docs]def use_healthcheck_server( app: Pyncette, port: int = 8080, bind_address: Optional[str] = None, healthcheck_handler: Callable[[PyncetteContext], Awaitable[bool]] = default_healthcheck, ) -> None: """ Decorate Pyncette app with a healthcheck endpoint served as a HTTP endpoint. :param app: Pyncette app :param port: The local port to bind to :param bind_address: The local address to bind to :healthcheck_handler: A coroutine that determines health status """ async def healthcheck_fixture( app_context: PyncetteContext, ) -> AsyncIterator[asyncio.AbstractServer]: async def handler(request: web.BaseRequest) -> web.Response: if request.method != "GET": return web.Response(status=405, text="Method not allowed") try: is_healthy = await healthcheck_handler(app_context) except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except Exception as e: logger.warning("Exception raised in healthcheck handler", exc_info=e) is_healthy = False if is_healthy: return web.Response(status=200, text="OK") else: return web.Response(status=500, text="Not OK") loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() server = await loop.create_server(web.Server(handler), bind_address, port)"Healthcheck listening on {port}") try: yield server finally: server.close() await server.wait_closed() app.use_fixture("_healthcheck", healthcheck_fixture)